Friday, 24 January 2014

Pre-Production: The Vision of a Tomorrow that Yesterday Forgot

Admittedly at the time of this post, the project is in a place it shouldn't be. We are behind where our group of talented individuals suggests we ought to have been by now. We should have agreed in principle what we going to film, where it is going to be filmed and how we are going to film it. However, none of those issues have been resolved and it looks likely to remain that way for the foreseeable future.

And I hold myself responsible for project's failings thus far. I have remained apathetic about how this project should be progressing, and have been less concerned about remedying the problem with urgency - and that is undeniably the biggest complication which inhibits our progression.

By now, I had envisioned we would have wrapped up principal photography; having shot all the material laid out in a script, or in the step outline. Yet, the travesty which plagues dreams is the actuality of reality. And that nothing is the same as was thought in the confines in the safety of dreams. Factors that would usually work against those naive figments of the imagination, are to be realised and prevented.  And even when those inevitable palisades are recognised, it is up to only one individual to persist in providing constant resistance to the factors which are to ultimately lead to fork in the road, which we currently find the project at the time of writing. I hold my hands up and issue no ambiguity when I say: "This is my fault."

I may have placed too much pressure on the progress of this project, or perhaps the individuals I depend on for a resolution; perhaps they have had trouble rising to the occasion. But make no qualms about it, it is me, that we find ourselves here, yet again.

Now I understand what needs to be done. I understand what needs to come in order for the ship to set sail towards the vitality that would make my collaborators sit up once and for all, and share the feeling that I have held for a while now.

We have had trouble meeting up in person to discuss what inhibits everything, as mentioned in the opening paragraph of this post. I have made no conscious effort to enact what I know needs to be done, and that is sadly what prevents the progression of a finality, when there is no greater facilitator among us than a facilitator who remains consciously aware, yet consciously apathetic.

That is the beauty in the obscure.

Once awoken from his slumber, there would be nothing stopping a sleeping giant hellbent on exacting retribution for the short comings of a vengeance long overdue.

Slowly, he awakes...

Ceysun Dixon KU ID: K1326851

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