Friday, 24 January 2014

Pre-Production: Aspiring to Inspire

I haven't had the opportunity to discuss the origins from which the idea for the video narrative spawned from, in much detail, and why it was important to go ahead with such a contentious subject matter.

There is little to deny that as humanity continues it will continue changing and adapting to newer implementations of infrastructure, which is the result of the biological and technological advances we make in the name of evolution. 

Yet what remains clear from all the innovations which are made to the benefit of all, is arguably to the greatest detriment of everyone. These innovations - through a variety of  technical or public sectors - lead to the divide that perpetuates the isolation of modern day mankind, altering our perceptions of a reality no one really wants to take notice of no more.

This is down to the carrot that capitalism dangles in the face of the corporations who perpetuate consumerism by accentuating the wonders of materialism to a populace under the spell of advertisers who instill and sell an image of a haven of unrealistic idealism for a slice of the profits, which is then bought by those who would happily invest towards an unattainable reality which far removes them from their own.

This is a major problem in society today. This leads to inequality. This leads to a disconnect among civilisation, although civilisation will always be connected by the mere fact that everyone is of the same species. No one is above another person. We are all on the same level; trying to navigate the perils and pitfalls that life throws our way, with the hope we can all one day fulfill true happiness and purpose.
"What is my purpose, and what is the purpose of life?" We all want to find it; we all want to fulfill our potential as human beings, to have a goal that drives us to the very end in the search of that meaning. That what's keeps us going, despite the roadblocks which may disorientate the idea on the way.

We are all connected in that regard. We all have dreams, aspirations, goals, that make us human beings; we are all intimately connected to one another. And yet, with these innovations that have bettered our lives for the better, the greatest travesty is that we have lost sense of what we really are, and what we are trying to do in life.

It has to be seen as one of the greatest social injustices in our time, that we - through action, or inaction - have contributed to this period we find ourselves in, where we are blinded to the reality of the powers that puppeteer our existence. 

We are told that by acquiring this, it will lead to this. And by associating yourself with that, it will change this. That couldn't be more false if we tried to believe it. Society is dominated by validation, and by singing the praises of a common idea or belief in unison for example, it enables people by that common association to be validated and feel like they mean something; to be important.

The individual who does not fall into this category, is by far more influential than those who join a group for the sake of it. They do not exist because they do not feel it is important to exist by mere validation - yet they exist; hiding in plain sight, if you like. They are the ones who really have the power to make a beneficial impact to a current society in need of it - if only others saw and heard them.

But they are out there.

That is where the inspiration for this video project spawned from. The narrative is about a man who is blinded to his reality by the wonders of a technological device, which alters his perception of who he really is, and what is really important in life. Once the spell is broken, he makes a surprising discovery. 

It is up to debate on what is really important in life. Is it to find a well-paid job? Is it to get married? Is it to be happy? 

You will only know once you start thinking for yourself, as an individual. By thinking about what you really want, and not what others tell you to want, then can you start to find the answers that will put purpose and meaning to this confusing thing called "life".

So, what is it you really want?

Ceysun Dixon KU ID: K1326851

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