Friday, 7 February 2014

Pre-Production: Ye Old Wise Man, Thou Foretold

The inauguration of this project has gathered some pace this past week, as the pieces slowly fall in order for the commencement of it. The inhibition of progress is down to two central reoccurring issues: a lack of action from the individual, and a plan which would allow the project to progress past the current inhibition of it.

With time not on our sides anymore, and a plan for filming the main reason of reticence for the project, I have fleshed out the initial step outline that was made as a blueprint of how the narrative would progress and play out, and have now filled in the blanks so now it represents a comprehensive overview of what happens in the narrative, and more importantly, what needs to filmed now, which God-willing, will make my fellow group members rise to the occasion of a battle long overdue. 

The outline I created will no doubt be scrutinised and objectified into change; but a change I expect and really welcome. I have my own vision for this project in respects to the narrative, cinematography and general decisions which would allow the project to come to an extraordinary end. My vision for the project is tremendously excellent and my plan and abilities that will make this project successful are entirely flawless.

But are they?

The process of collaboration is to prove me wrong, and I am to be proven wrong with my conceptualisation of the nuances which I feel will make this video project the success it should be. When an idea believed to work in the mind of the thinker, is put out into the world, it will be engaged by the analytical, and that idea will grow into something else: regardless if the idea was good or bad. It will lead somewhere through collaborative discussion, from individuals all with their own ideas on how to improve the idea put forth. 

It is imperative that decisions and thoughts are always challenged, so that these musings are shaped  into something that the thinker could not come to envision on their own. My fellow group members no doubt have their own oversights for what direction they feel this project should take - and they will do their best to ensure their voice is heard among the jousting of a project which caters for the collaboration of a whole.

I have no hesitation in believing the predictions of a riot by an English rock band, once we move into principal photography; where with time constraints and unfulfilled promises due to inevitable unforeseen circumstances, not to mention the perpetual hovering of angst from the individuals whose ideas could not be implemented for judicious and justified reasons, chaos will ensue among the confine of the group, with implosion a possibility.

But these issues are to be expected and may prove to be the benefactor from which a final product was produced that all are proud in having made happen.

But then again, these issues could prove to be the final nail in the coffin of a project which once showed great promise.

We will have to wait I guess, to see if the ship sinks, or if it can withstand the constant force which forever threatens its survival...

Ceysun Dixon (KU ID: K1326851) 

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