Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Pre-production: Step Outline

This here is my version of the step outline, which in no way represents the sequence of events that is to be filmed:

1. The main character is walking down the street towards people, while he looks down at his phone with his headphones in.

2. He bumps into people who appear incensed, as he continues oblivious to what he just caused.

3. He crosses the road, and doesn't bother to look both ways as a car nearly collides into him.

4. A homeless person who he usually passes every morning, calls for him to put some money into his collection hat - he continues blind.

5. He bumps into a lamp post and drops his phone - it smashes hard into the ground, breaking.

6. He frantically rushes over to it, and tries to get it working; he fails.

7. He takes his broken phone to be repaired - he is told it will take a while.

8. He goes home and turns on his computer; however, his internet connection is not working - he is in disbelief.

9. He begins his day again walking down the same street and everyone else seems to on their phone as he passes them.

10. As he gets his information from his phone, he is forced to speak to someone, but fails to do so without conviction.

11. He locates a map to help him get to his destination and struggles to use it properly - holding it upside down.

12. He then forgets he needs to contact someone important and is forced to go to the Post Office to write a letter. He writes the letter in slang making it unreadable and addresses the letter incorrectly.

13. He looks ruffled and shattered: it dawns on him the hole he dug himself  into unknowingly.

14. He begins his day again, and walks a little reassured down the street than the last time. He repeats the same events as the last two times; although he is not pitch perfect, he's improved and looks comfortable than before.

15. He begins his day again with a smile walking down the street. He expertly handles the same events that came before convincingly. He stands at a crossing with people on their phones and looks bemused. The light turns green and he is the first to cross the road.

16. He makes his way to the repair shop. The repairman sees him and picks up the phone to hand it to him. He thinks briefly, looks the man in the eyes and says "keep it".

17. He turns away to the door and walks out - connected.

As mentioned this is in no way final. Once all members of the group have completed their own versions of a step outline, it is the intention to merge all the best stuff from each others' outline, into a final and awesome step outline.  

Ceysun Dixon: K1326851

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