Saturday, 21 December 2013

Pre-Production: Weapons of choice

Just before the end of the academic term which led to the Christmas period I find myself writing in, it was imperative for the video project that we booked out the equipment on the last week of term, which would turn all our theorising and hypothesising for the video, into something that we could make real throughout the festive period.

Only one problem. 

I was supposed to meet the manager of the FASS Loans Room on a Monday or Tuesday, as I wanted to book out the camera for as long as I could - "long" being 28 days - but because of life and its habit of springing out of nowhere to cause pandemonium - I had forgot.

Only one problem.

I was told the manager would only be in on these days, and as I am not bound by an academic schedule for Wednesdays, I could not justify making the 2 hour trip one way to University to make up for life's indiscretions for a camera that Wednesday. And so, I put my fellow collaborator, Gendrick, on the task most first years would be afraid to do: ask, with my words of encouragement inspiring his confidence with his chances, ringing in his ears: "Go in there, smile, request, listen, and take", he rose to the occasion.  

Only one problem. 

He failed. He was told it was not possible to grant our "special circumstance" and they would only allow him to book out the camera for 3 days - 

Only one problem.

The staff at the FASS Loans Room have not met someone with such monstrous persuasion and charm before, and the next day, I entered the the Loans Room, armed only with mouth.

Only one problem.

There was no problem. I booked out not only the camera, but a tripod and even a microphone to record sound with. For how long, do I hear you ask? 3 and a half weeks. Yes. For first years, that is unheard of, but the mantra of  "Go in there, smile, request, listen, and take" works pragmatically and not theoretically, Gendrick.

With a day before the end of the academic term, we cut it precariously close with booking out the equipment, but we have our weapons of choice now.

We're ready to do battle with the beast that is the video project...

Ceysun Dixon KU ID: K1326851 

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